Hacienda El Refugio

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"The Last Group of the Summer" / "El último grupo del verano"

     August 8th was our last work day of the summer with work teams from the States.  Much like the last day of school, there was a celebratory atmosphere in the air.  When we found out it was Aurelio's and Pedro's Birthday's we decided to have us an impromptu Birthday party at our break.  The work team was from Westover, a church in North Carolina.  They had planned to spend the afternoon on the zip line and climbing the wall, they graciously invited the workers to join them and that they did.  Pedro who is 63 years old told Howie he was very scared but very excited at the same time to climb the wall and make it to the top.  He also said he was "very sore the next day."

We are so thankful for all our work teams who came and served so selflessly.

The church from Westover had the distinction of being our last group of the summer, small but mighty!
Pictured above:  Westover church, Howie and his staff, Mary and her staff, and summer interns.  
Erica and Ryan Coryell, helping to lift the sand and rocks to be poured into the cement mixer.
In their free time, Erica handles all of El Refugio's finances and Ryan does a great job of leading our interns.
On the final day of groups, we also celebrated Aurelio and Pedro's Birthdays.
Angelica made them each a cake, which we enjoyed for our "snack"
Howie, Pedrito, Mary and Aurelio
Wouldn't be a birthday without some cake smashing in the face would it?
Finished our final day of "work" with some wall climbing.


And yes, dare you believe it, Don Pedro!

Birthday tradition to throw the person celebrating the Birthday into the pond.
Don Pedro was loooooooong gone........

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