Hacienda El Refugio

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Psychologically Fit

Once the decision had been made for Howard and I to pursue ministry in Ecuador, we applied to International Teams or ITEAMS, the sending organizations for Youth World in Ecuador. There were a series of things we were required to do and one of them was to establish we were psychologically fit. This meant we had to take four different tests with over a thousand questions, proctored at our church by one of the pastors. After the tests were over I was absolutely sure I didn't want to sleep with my mothers/brothers/sisters/uncle, set things on fire or hear voices which told me to do things contrary to nature. What DID come to light was my deep seated fear of change. After some phone conversations and actually meeting with the psychologist from ITEAMS, I was armed with some homework to figure out why. Over a period of time, through prayer and intercession God brought to light a key event in my life which was the cause of this fear of change.


Gina said...

Can't wait to read the whole story - although it will be a story without an end. God continues to weave our stories down the long and winding road with many "desvios" along the way. It's all an adventure - and I'm so fortunate to "live it" with you!

Gina said...

Can't wait to read the whole story - although it will be a story without an end. God continues to weave our stories down the long and winding road with many "desvios" along the way. It's all an adventure - and I'm so fortunate to "live it" with you!